Ordering Instructions
We are diligent about keeping the website up- to- date and only show items priced and available for immediate shipping. However, your best course of action is to first contact us (e-mail, phone call, smoke signals, &c.) to establish availability of the item(s) you want to purchase.
As soon as we receive your want list we will calculate the appropriate shipping charges based on the weight and destination of the package(s). We will then send you a "pro forma" invoice showing the total cost of your order including postage and insurance options. This method has been sucessful in assuring that you pay only the minimum necessary to ship the goods you purchase.
Payment may be made by money order or personal check or credit card check. Personal checks require ten (10) business days from date of receipt to clear the bank before shipping your order.
We regret no longer offering the option to use PayPal for your purchases but that company is adamant and will allow no one to purchase or sell ANY firearm through their service.
A NOTE ON PURCHASING GUNS: Flintlock and other black powder firearms are not subject to the U.S. Gun Control Act restrictions. However, you MUST be at least 18 years of age to purchase ANY firearm from us AND you must be eligible, by law, to receive one of these black powder firearms in your home area.
If you have ANY questions on ordering or shipping please contact us. Wayne & Barbara Zurl
Wayne Zurl
207 Breckenridge Dr.
P.O. Box 70
Walland, TN 37886-0070